Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat is a non-profit organization to promote responsible and transparent production of peat resources
The history of the foundation
Increasing awareness of the importance for peatlands
Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat is the result of a general increasing awareness of the importance of peatlands for biodiversity and climate change. The growing media and peat industry, scientists and NGOs worked together and played an important role in the development of a mainstream certification system for Responsibly Produced Peat.
The Dutch government financially supported the development of a certification system for the responsible production of peat as a constituent in growing media. The first outline of principles and criteria for the peat supply chain was drafted and is now still used by RPP.
The principles and criteria were composed in close cooperation between private sector players from the peat industry and representatives of NGOs. Starting point was the “Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management” published by the International Peat Society.
Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat was formally established on 19 August 2013 and the board was installed on 6 September 2013 in Vilnius (Lithuania).
A balanced representation at all levels
Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat has a multi stakeholder governance structure. It is characterized by a balanced representation at all levels of the peat producing industry, producers of growing media, environmental NGO’s and scientists.
The Board, the Committee of Experts and the secretariat of RPP are responsible for the development, implementation and administration of the certification scheme. Inspection of the peat production sites is conducted by independent inspectors who are also qualified peatland experts.

The Board oversees the executive team. Approval of the Board is required before the executive team can pass resolutions. The final decisions for granting RPP certificates are taken by the Board.
Meetings are twice a year, in June and December.
The members are:
- Mr. Guus van Berckel - VPN (Dutch Association of Potting Soil Manufacturers)- representing peat/growing media production
and on behalf of the Board registered at the Chamber of Commerce 5860.0760 in the Netherlands. [Treasurer] - Mr. Tomi Koivula - GME (Growing Media Europe) - representing peat production/growing media [Chairman]
- Mr. Kazimieras kaminskas- GME (Growing Media Europe) - representing peat production/growing media
- Ms. Ilze Ozola - Latvia Peat Asociation – representing peat production
- Mr. Jüri-Ott Salm - ELF (Estonian Fund for Nature) – representing environmental NGO
- Mr. Hans Schutten - Wetlands International- representing environmental NGO
Advisor to the Board:
- Alexander Sentinella - Science Coordinator GME - EU policies and developments
Committee of Experts
The Committee of Experts is responsible for the assessment of the inspection reports and advise to the Board. The assessment reports are evaluated by the Board to decide whether a RPP certificate is granted.
The Committee has five experts:
- Ms. Silke Kumar
- peat production - Ms. Sabine Jordan
- peatland science - Mr. Bernd Hofer
- legislation
- technical aspects - Mr. Ron Bleijswijk [Chair]
- certification - Mr. Nerijus Zableckis
- environmental aspects
- after-use
Executive team
The executive team supports the Board in the strategic planning and development of Responsibly Produced Peat. It is responsible for the management and promotion of the certification system, facilitation of certification, financial aspects and general day to day affairs.
The team consists of
- Mr. Hein Boon - Director
- Ms. Maureen Kuenen - Executive officer
Our goal is to achieve mainstream application of RPP certification in the European market. Therefor we need the support of all stakeholders
Companies that already support our goal
Certified companies
Companies that have taken initiative to apply for certification have put the RPP certification scheme into practice. More certifications help to set the industry standard for responsible peat production.
The practical experience with certification contributes to fine tuning and improvement of the certification scheme. Certified companies set an example that responsible production of peat is possible. It also shows commitment to take responsibility after production.
Peat producing and peat using companies have the opportunity to actively support Responsibly Produced Peat. By supporting RPP, the company encourages a mainstream certification system for responsible peatland management and contributes to the further development of Responsibly Produced Peat.
Responsibly Produced Peat welcomes involvement of NGOs. Their point of view is a valuable contribution to the development of the certification scheme and improves the credibility of Responsibly Produced Peat.
NGOs involved in the Board are:
The Committee of Experts offer parties concerned the opportunity to provide comment on the proposed decisions for certification. NGOs are included in the mailinglist and notified before final advise to the Board.