Thanks to Ben van der Geest for his dedication
Ben van der Geest is a founding father of Responsibly Produced Peat, literally because he acted ast founder of the RPP Foundation in 2013 together with Stefaan Vandaele. In addition, as a member of the Board, Ben has spent 10 years developing and promoting the RPP label. During the entire period he was active as treasurer and for a number of years also leading the Board as chair.
The involvement of Ben, as well as his fellow Board-members, have meanwhile resulted in more than 35% of European peat for substrate, meeting the RPP-criteria. And the growth continues, with beneficial effects for responsible use of peat and peatlands. Big thanks to Ben and everyone involved!
Welcome Guus van Berckel
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RPP welcomes Guus van Berckel to in the Board. On recommendation of the Dutch Association of Growing Media Producers (VPN), Guus van Berckel has recently become a new board member of RPP and he also fulfils the role of treasurer. Guus has been involved with RPP from the very beginning as member of temporary technical commission of RPP even before the foundation was established. As the CEO of Griendtsveen Group BV, 1st Vice President IPS and President of the Dutch National Commission of IPS, he brings extensive expertise to the Board.