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RPP News overview

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Responsibly Produced Peat in process to grant 4 new certificate and renew 2 certificates

Responsibly Produced Peat (RPP) intends to grant four new certificates to Neova Oy and regrant two certificates to Schwegermoor GmbH. These intended decisions are based on the companies meeting the requirements of the RPP Certification Scheme (version 3.0) for the respective locations. For more details on the locations and how RPP provides concerned parties the opportunity to comment on these proposed certification decisions, click below to learn more.

After-use phase for locations in Germany and Poland

The companies Torfwerk Moorkultur Ramsloh and Agaris Poland have informed RPP about their after-use implementation efforts at select locations. Explore the diverse approaches they have employed for after-use implementation and restoration

7 RPP certificates granted, 5 of which to newly registered companies

New companies that received the RPP certificate are PRELVEX AS, VESTUR OÜ and TUBA HORTO AB in Estonia and Sweden. Neova OY in Finland also received 2 new RPP certificates. Read more to find out about the locations and compliance.

Certification of Temporarily Available Peat Batches for Bolpeat BV

RPP has initiated the certification of peat sourced from temporary projects with alternative purposes, such as nature development or construction. The Committee of Experts (CoE) selected the Weimeren nature development project as the first test case for this new certification process. Bolpeat B.V. is the company responsible for excavating peat for the successful realization of the Weimeren nature development project, which focuses on hydrological and ecological restoration.

New Guidelines to enhance assessments of After-Use Plans!

To enhance the assessment of after-use plans, guidelines have been developed that apply to the current RPP Scheme (version 3.0). Read more to find out where to download these guidelines.

RPP fees for 2025

The fees for certifications and annual contributions have been adjusted for 2025. Please note that the annual contribution begins upon application. You will only be charged for the remaining quarters of the year starting from the application date.

Responsibly Produced Peat has granted 5 new RPP-certificates and regranted 2 certificates

Responsibly Produced Peat has granted the RPP-certificate to Mullmaster AB, three certifcates to Neova AB and one to SIA Compaqpeat. In addition, RPP re-granted the certificate to AS Kraver and Neova Oy. Read more to find out about the locations and compliance.

New RPP certificates granted for 3 locations in Latvia and Estonia

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 2 certificates; to the companies Saukas Kudra SIA for the location Saukas purvs in Latvia, and MV Turvas OÜ for the location Piilasoo in Estonia. The certificate was regranted for the location Kuislemma of Tootsi Turvas AS in Estonia. These certifications confirm that each company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version [3.0], for the specified locations.

New RPP certificates granted for 3 locations in Estonia, Germany and Sweden

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 3 certificates to the companies Van der Knaap Eesti OÜ for the location Määrastu in Estonia, Meiners GmbH & Co. KG for the location Hersterberg Feld 0+6 in Germany and Neova AB for the location Töttjamossen in Sweden. The certifications are based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version 3.0 for these locations.

New RPP certificates granted for 12 locations, in Latvia, Finland and Sweden.

The 6 week period for comments ended on 18 December, 2024, and 12 new RPP certificates have been granted among the companies Neova Oy, Neova AB, Jiffy Unitorf AB and Saldus Melioracija SIA. This brings the total number of certifications to 109 and we still see new companies starting to apply for certification of their locations. Read further for more information on the locations.

RPP certificates granted for Aurich-Wiesmoor-Torfvertriebs GmbH in Germany, and Scanpeat AB in Sweden

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted the RPP-certificate to the companies AWT for Neudorfer Moor and Marcardsmoor - Duvelshorn (3 permits), and to Scanpeat AB for Gölmossen. This decision is based on the fact that the companies meet the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme (V3.0) for these locations.

New RPP certificates granted in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Germany

Since the period for comments in December 2022 until now, 11 new RPP certificates have been granted among the companies Neova Oy, Neova AB, Mullmaster AB, Nevema [AS Nurme Turvas], Tootsi Turvas, ERA Valduse Aktsiaselts and Torf und Humuswerk Uchte GmbH. This brings the total number of certifications to 91 and we still see new companies starting to apply for certification of their locations. Read further for more information on the locations.

New Board member! Thank you Ben van der Geest and Welcome Guus van Berckel

After 10 years RPP had to say goodbye to Ben van der Geest as a Board member. Guus van Berckel is taking his position as treasurer in the Board. Read more about the involvement of Ben and Guus in RPP.....

RPP certificates granted for AS SEDA, Van der Knaap Eesti OÜ and Neova Oy

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted the RPP-certificate to the company AS SEDA for Taures Purvs, to Van der Knaap Eesti OÜ for Tuurapera and to Neova Oy for the location Samalneva. This decision is based on the fact that the companies meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme (V3.0)for these locations.

3 RPP certificates granted to Jiffy Unitorv AB

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 3 certificates to the company Jiffy Unitorv AB for the locations Liatorp, Sånnaböke and Sejle Myr in Sweden. The certifications are based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version 3.0, for these locations

New RPP certificates for Griendstveen AG and Tootsi Turvas

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 3 new certificates. Two certificates were granted to Griendtsveen AG for the locations "Edewecht Vehnemoor-Fläche Hermann" and "Wiesmoor-Drosselweg" in Germany. Another certificate was granted to Tootsi Turvas for the location "Kasesoo" in Estonia The decision on certification is based on the fact that the companies meets the requirements of the RPP certification scheme version 3.0 for these locations.

RPP granted 2 new certificates and re-granted 4 certificates after the first periodic re-inspections

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 2 new certificates: One to the company AS Jiffy products Estonia for the locations Ääsmäe in Estonia and the other to Griendtsveen AG for Svanaboda Älmhult in Sweden. RPP also re-granted 4 certificates to Griendstveen AG. This year, the first periodic re-inspections were completed successfully and confirmed compliance to the Principles, Criteria and Indicators as defined in the RPP in certification scheme version 3.0 for the locations: Esterwege Dose (ED) Habichtsweg, ED Blöcke 1 - 5, ED-Brinkmann Privat, and ED-Abessinien A-Feld and Brinkmann Staat.

First RPP certificate for ERA Valduse Aktsiaselts

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted the RPP certificate to the company ERA Valduse Aktsiaselts for the location Hõreda. The certification is based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of RPP certification scheme version 2.0 for these locations

RPP certificates granted to AS Jiffy products Estonia

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 8 certificates to the company AS Jiffy products Estonia for the locations Ohtu, Vääna, Aasu, Elbu, Kavasoo, Möksi, Rääma and Põhara turbatootmisala I, in Estonia. The certifications are based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of RPP certification scheme version 2.0 for these locations

RPP certificates granted to Kekkilä-BVB Eesti and Tootsi Turvas

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 3 certificates to the company OÜKekkilä-BVB Eesti for the locations Sooniste I and II, and to AS Tootsi Turvas for Lavassaare ja Elbu, all in Estonia. The certifications are based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of RPP certification scheme version 2.0 for these locations

New member in the Board

The Board of RPP has appointed Bert von Seggern to replace the position of Arne Hückstädt who was representing the field of growing media in the Board. Bert von Seggern graduated at the University of Göttingen in Agricultural Sciences and has more than 30 years of industry experience, mainly in growing media production and management of peatlands. Currently he is holding the position as Director Production & Sustainability and Authorised Officer at Klasmann-Deilmann GmbH

New member in the Committee of Experts

RPP is pleased to announce that  Nerijus Zableckis has joined the Committee of Experts. Nerijus is a well known mire expert in the Baltic region and further. He has a Master degree in ecology and is specialized in, among others, impact assessment on biodiversity and peatland restoration.

NEW: Version 3.0 of the RPP certification scheme

Version 3.0 of the RPP certification scheme is now ready to use and will take effect on November 1, 2021. This new version is the basis for decision-making to RPP certification for the next 2 years (till November 1, 2023) after which new experiences may lead to adjustments in the next version. Click the 'read more'-button to find out about the adjustments made to the previous version.

First RPP certificate for AS Tootsi Turvas

Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat has recently awarded the RPP-certificate to the company AS Tootsi Turvas for the location Pööravere in Estonia. The certification is based on the fact that for this location, the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme (2.0).

First RPP certificate for AS Jiffy products Estonia

Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat has recently awarded the RPP-certificate to the company AS Jiffy Products Estonia (Jiffy products international) for the location Sausti. The certification is based on the fact that for this location, the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme (2.0).

New member for the Committee of Experts

RPP is plesased to announce that Dr. Sabine Jordan joined the RPP Committee of Experts. She was appointed during the Board meeting of November 26 last year. Sabine Jordan is researcher and lecturer at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in the fields of Agronomy, Soil and Peatland Sciences and Greenhouse Gas Measurements.

New representative for Growing Media Europe in the Board

During the Board Meeting of November 26, Mr Tomi Koivula was elected as member of the Board, where he will represent the organization Growing Media Europe. He replaces Mr Jan Astrup who left GME and was therefore no longer able to fulfill his role on the RPP Board.

New representative for Wetlands International in the Board

Frank Hoffmann has resigned from his Board position since there has been a change in the organisational structure of Wetlands International. The new program head "Climate-smart Land Use" also has the program on peatlands in his portfolio and better suits the position on the RPP Board. The Board of RPP thanks Frank Hoffmann for his valuable contribution to the development of ‘Responsibly Produced Peat’. During last Board meeting (may 28), the Board appointed Hans Schutten and the Board is pleased to welcome him as the new representative of Wetlands International.

The 5th RPP-certificate awarded to SIA Klasmann-Deilmann Latvia

Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat Responsibly Produced Peat has recently awarded the RPP-certificate to the company Klasmann-Deilmann Latvia for the location Ozolmuiza in Latvia. The certification is based on the fact that for this location, the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme (2.0).

Budwity is the first RPP certified location that entered the AFTER-USE phase!

The Polish location Budwity from AGARIS has started the after-use phase.  Reclamation obligations formulated in the license have been fulfilled and were approved the end of January 2020 by the official authorities ( Agriculture, Forestry and Environment Protection Department). The after use destination is natural restoration.

RPP-certificate awarded to SIA Klasmann-Deilmann Latvia

Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat Responsibly Produced Peat has recently awarded the RPP-certificate to the company Klasmann-Deilmann Latvia for the location Lielais IV in Latvia. The certification is based on the fact that for this location, the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme (2.0).

Workshop on RPP-certification in Helsinki, Finland.

On February 20 this year, Responsibly Produced Peat organized a workshop on RPP-certification in Finland. Four members of the RPP-Board joined the workshop and together with the participating persons from various companies, interesting discussions and exchange of knowledge made the workshop to a successful event.

RPP certificates granted to Schwegermoor GmbH (Klasmann-Deilmann group)

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 2 certificates to the company Schwegermoor GmbH for the locations Hinnenkamp and Campemoor in Germany. The certifications are based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version 2.0 for these locations

RPP certificates granted to AGARIS Poland

Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted 3 certificates to the company Agaris Poland SP. z.o.o. for the locations Józefowo, Krakulice and Rucianka in Poland. The certifications are based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version 2.0 for these locations

RPP certificate granted to Kekkilä Oy in Finland!

Foundation Responsibly Produced Peat has granted the RPP-certificate to the company Kekkilä Oy for the location Linturahka. This decision is based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version 2.0.

Swedish Minister for Rural Affairs enthusiastic about RPP certification

Ingrid Kyllerstedt, responsible for communications at Svensk Torv had a meeting with the Swedish Minister for Rural Affairs, Jennie Nilsson. They discussed the conditions for the peat industry and came across the topic RPP certification. The minister reacted enthusiastically and emphazised that environmental certification is very important for politicians in Sweden.

RPP presentation at Baltic Peat Producers Forum 2019, Palanga, Lithuania

The title of the presentation will be “The role of RPP for growing media and how to get started with RPP-certification”. Check the programme on the conference page of BPPF 2019!

New Board member for RPP

Responsibly Produced Peat is pleased to announce that, during the Board meeting on May 23,  Jan Astrup is appointed as a new Board member. Jan will represent GME in the Board and is replacing Claes Bohlin who resigned because he retired.

RPP certificate granted to AS Kraver in Estonia!

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has granted the RPP certificate to the company AS Kraver for the location Soosaare I. This decision is based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version 2.0.

RPP certificate granted to OÜ Kekkilä Eesti in Estonia!

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has granted the RPP certificate to OÜ Kekkilä Eesti for the location Kuislemma. This decision is based on the fact that the company meets the requirements of the actual RPP certification scheme, version 2.0.

Workshop RPP-certification in Latvia

On the 12th of April, RPP held the workshop on RPP-certification in Latvia. At the same time this was an opportunity for RPP to become acquainted with the Latvian certification system, developed and recently adapted by the Latvian Peat Association (LKA).

Workshop RPP certification in Sweden

On the 6th of March, RPP visited peat association Svensk Torv during their yearly national assembly to give a workshop on RPP-certification.

How to explain the 'Mass Balance' system?

RPP designed a new infographic to explain the 'mass-balance' system. This infographic is easy for everybody to use when explaining the system to customers/relations.

RPP doesn't require RHP

RPP is very different from RHP and to reach RPP certification it is not necessary to be RHP certified.

New chairman for the Board of Responsibly Produced Peat!

During the last Board meeting of Responsibly Produced Peat, Ben van der Geest officially resigned as chairman of the Board. RPP would like to express many thanks to Ben for five years commitment to his chairmanship and we are happy he will still stay as a member of the Board.

RPP certificates granted to AS Torf / NEVEMA

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted two certificates to AS Torf/NEVEMA for the locations Laiküla I and Laiküla II.

RPP certificates granted to SIA Klasmann-Deilmann Latvia

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted two certificates to SIA Klasmann-Deilmann Latvia for the locations Lielais 2 and Rakis.

First RPP labelled growing media on the market!

Responsibly Produced Peat (RPP) is proud to announce that the first 4 companies produce RPP-labelled growing media products: Lentse & Slingerland Potgrond from the Netherlands, Greenyard Horticulture from Belgium and Compo and Euflor from Germany. They meet all the standards to bring RPP labelled products on the market

RPP certificate granted to Hasselfors Garden

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted the RPP certificate to Hasselfors Garden for the location Ekebymossen

RPP certificates granted to Greenyard Horticulture

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted six certificates to Greenyard Horticulture for the locations Bitenieku, Lambarte, Lamzene, Lestene, Piltene and Ruja in Latvia

The RPP certification scheme version 2.0

With the implementation of chapter 6, the Chain of Custody, it was decided to adjust the entire certification scheme. This new version of the certification scheme will be valid as of March 1, 2018, and will remain the basis for decision-making to RPP certification for 2 years (till the 1st of March, 2020). During that time, new experiences may lead to adjustments in the next version.

Chain of Custody and the RPP label

Chapter 6 (Chain of Custody and use of the RPP label) is approved by the Board and will be implemented in the new version of the certification scheme.

RPP certificates granted to AS Kraver

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted three certificates to AS Kraver for the locations Soosaare II, Soosaare III and Tässi.

RPP certificates for EUFLOR Humuswerk GmbH!

The Board of Responsibly Produced Peat has recently granted two certificates to EUFLOR Humuswerk GmbH for the locations Aschhorner Moor and Wolfsbrucher Moor- stade.

Successful RPP workshop “Best practices of mitigation measures and practical experiences with RPP certification”

Which mitigation measures can you best apply to mitigate impacts of peat extraction? This was the central issue of the workshop Responsibly Produced Peat organized on Friday September 15 in Riga.

2017 09 14 : RPP will be present at the Baltic Peat Producers Forum 2017

Feel free to visit our stand at the Baltic Peat Forum on the 14th of September. We will be available to give you all information you need on how to certify your peat.

2017 07 26: Appreciation for input NGO in Responsibly Produced Peat (RPP)

Marcel Silvius is no longer involved in Responsibly Produced Peat. The Board of RPP thanks Marcel Silvius for his contribution to the development of ‘Responsibly Produced Peat’. At the same time the Board welcomes Frank Hoffmann to take position in the Board to continue the representation of Wetlands International.

2017 09 15: RPP-workshop ‘Best practices of Mitigation Measures’

RPP organizes a workshop on September 15th 2017 in RIGA, following on the Baltic Peat Forum. The workshop is called: Best Practices of Mitigation Measures and practical experiences with RPP-certification

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